Jak już robię kolaże, wpisy w art-journalu i różne takie śmieciowe prace, to ten szal też jest wynikiem tych doświadczeń ścinkowych. Ponadto inspiracją do tego działania była praca Beaty Jarmołowskiej, bo skoro ona może takie kolaże robić na szalach, to czemu by nie samemu :)
Znalazłam kiedyś takie robione na drutach chusty z wełny...pięknie tu posłużyły za brzegi szala. Do tego różne koronki, tasiemki, aplikacje, angelina, wielki kawał koronkowego szala, bawełniana falbana, trochę cekinów, tkaniny wyszywanej koralikami, jedwabiu, silk laps. No i nieco wełny.
Całość to około 2,5 metra i szerokości 40- 50 cm.
Jedna aplikacja jedwabna okrutnie farbowała... Ale w sumie nie szkodzi trochę tego różu.
chochlik w jedwabiu, co barwił
Owe wełniane chusty
lewa strona
This shawl was made
some months ago, but I didn't wrote about it at that time. The
pretext has become with a challenge “Felt” in Szuflada, where we
promote this noble material, which is wool.
As has been doing collages, pages in art-journals and other junk stuff, this scarf is also a result of these experiences with scraps. And what's more, and even most importatn, the inspiration for this action was the work ofBeta Jarmołowska, because if she can do these collages on shawls, why not do the same :)
I found once a knitted wool scarves ... beautifully served here on the edges of shawl. I added for this also variety of laces, ribbons, applications, angelina, a great piece of lace scarf, cotton flounce, some sequins, beads embroidered fabrics, silk, silk laps. And some wool.
The whole shawl is about 2.5 meters long and a width is 40 to 50 cm.
One silk application cruelly dyed around... But finally a bit of pink not mind.
As has been doing collages, pages in art-journals and other junk stuff, this scarf is also a result of these experiences with scraps. And what's more, and even most importatn, the inspiration for this action was the work ofBeta Jarmołowska, because if she can do these collages on shawls, why not do the same :)
I found once a knitted wool scarves ... beautifully served here on the edges of shawl. I added for this also variety of laces, ribbons, applications, angelina, a great piece of lace scarf, cotton flounce, some sequins, beads embroidered fabrics, silk, silk laps. And some wool.
The whole shawl is about 2.5 meters long and a width is 40 to 50 cm.
One silk application cruelly dyed around... But finally a bit of pink not mind.
Niesamowity jest,obłędny i cudowny :-)
OdpowiedzUsuńŻyczę powodzenia w wyzwaniu.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Ależ piękny szal :)